Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Another little update...

May I just say, I love Caffe Cosy. Everytime I walk in their faces light up and they yell out "ah! c'est ma cherie!!" then proceed to ask me about my weekend, make fun of me, etc. Today when I came in, I pressed the "on" button to my computer but rather than turning on, it decided to make a God-awful screeching sound instead. The guys were yelling up to me from down below to make sure everything was okay, and when the one guy brought up my drink, he sat down with me to try and figure out what was wrong with my computer. I enjoy this place :)

This week has been kinda boring so far. The weekend was alright. Friday night, Sarah and I went to a movie accompanied by two of our Frenchies who we found don't really hate us afterall. As to whether or not it was a date...we really don't know. We still don't understand the rules of social conduct here, but we got friendly vibes from them, so we're thinking maybe guys and girls can be just friends? At anyrate, we went to see Little Miss Sunshine (a very good movie) and after watching an American movie, the boys really wanted to practice their English. We obliged, and it was pretty much the funniest thing ever. It took us about an hour alone to describe candy corn. We had so much fun just walking around CF and talking. I think we may have succeeded in making a couple French friends.

Saturday and Sunday were pretty much spent in bed and writing a paper because I'm sick and didn't really feel like doing anything else. Class was cancelled on Monday morning. Monday afternoon we had a Pepiniere meeting. Pepiniere is terrifying. It's a project for First-Years to develop a business plan for a new enterprise. I don't understand our topic and my group makes a lot of jokes that I don't understand. I ask questions though, and sometimes I understand the responses... I don't know why, but it is so much harder to understand people my own age, especially in large groups. Conversation happens so quickly and with a lot of slang. Pepiniere is going to be a real learning experience.

I had my first violin lesson yesterday. It lasted 15 minutes because the teacher was running late. He basically told me that the bow I rented sucked and that I needed to do something about it. I played a little bit for him (I haven't played all summer) and he told me that there were some good things and some "interesting" things. I've got a lot of work cut out for me.

I had no class today so I bought myself some birthday gifts (my birthday is tomorrow) - some shoes and some perfume :) I'm good to myself. Tomorrow we don't have class either... maybe I'll hop a bus to Vichy or something. I'm starting to get a little bored here... Hopefully that won't last. Okay, well I can't stand to be infront of my computer any longer. I hope all is well and I miss you all! xoxo


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