Monday, December 15, 2008

Polish change

The other day, a coworker walked into my office to ask if I knew what a Polish change was.

Her salon was offering free Polish changes for the holidays. I was clueless. A Polish change? Was it kind of like a sex change, only for people that really wanted to be Polish? Or on the contrary, was it for Polish people who no longer wanted to be Polish? What does this have to do with a salon?

Having not the slightest idea, we turned to the internet. I googled "polish change" and a video popped up of a woman with those long, gnarly, coiling nails like the ones in the Guinness Book of World Records. A manicurist was taking the lime green color off of the woman's nails with a cotton swab. Still confused, I said to my coworker, "maybe its just when they change your nail color? What's so Polish about that?"

"Oh my God," she said. "Not Polish change, its polish change."

Maybe it was because we had JUST been talking about Hamtramck and Polish food. Or maybe we're just really dumb. OR, maybe it was because the English language is so confused.

Bass and bass, bow and bow, dove and dove, Polish and polish... completely unrelated words with the exact same spelling. Never would I ever want to learn English as a second language.


Blogger Unknown said...

I make that mistake occasionally. Then I feel really stupid. Kind of like when they changed the bathroom door at work.


11:04 AM  

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