For those of you who don't know, I work as a research assistant in a pathology lab in a women's hospital. What does that mean? Well, it means a variety of hellish things. On a good day, it means that I do experiments to see what's happening on a genetic level to cause preterm labor pregnancies. I like this part of my job. I get to use my brain and do mildly important things. On a bad day, it means working in what is called the "minilab" (which really isn't so mini, so I don't get it), which means that I collect biological specimens and prepare them for other people's experiments. Plainly put, I sort and aliquot the blood, pee and vaginal fluids of pregnant women (eww). Without the samples, there are no experiments, so even though my boss forces me to work in the minilab 2 days a week, I feel indebted to the minilab because without the samples, there would be no experiments. Yesterday was my day to help out and it sucked royally because 2 guys were out, leaving me and one other person to do the work of really, about 5 people, because we are understaffed as it is (hence me helping out 2 days a week). SUCKED. It sucked so much that I was actually dreaming about it all night long. SOooo many vials of blood and urine in my dreams last night, which I think is just terribly wrong. So wrong, that it makes a girl drink wine and eat chocolate for dinner. Ugh.
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